Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Since the day I left Milwaukee.. Lynchburg... Bordeaux, France..

I lucked out - no work for me today! Thank goodness, because I've probably sneezed twice just while writing this sentence. I should own stock in Puffs Plus tissues.

Anyway, I managed to get out of my apartment long enough to pick up a few things. What I anticipated would be a quick run to the bargain store (yep, I'm cheap.. aka broke!) turned into a complete social lesson.

Seriously. I do not understand why cheap shopping has to mean putting up with people who don't know how to raise their kids. I know I'm not a parent (thank goodness), but what happened to teaching your children how to behave themselves?

I went to four stores in one strip mall.. and every single one included at least one child running wild with no parent in sight. If my brother, sister and I had behaved that way, my parents would've let us have it. Heck, I got in trouble for not saying "yes, ma'am" to an ER doctor - and I was the patient!

I know kids are hard work.. I've been babysitting for as long as I can remember. But to just let your child do whatever they want, make a ton of noise and speak without manners? Maybe it's the South in me talking.. but I think it's just common sense.. which obviously is far from common these days.

Oh.. and before I forget.. when you go to the store, please don't yell your conversations. No one really wants to hear how quickly your family goes through toilet paper or whether you like the store's version of a particular product.

And that's where the blog title comes in - thank you, Brad Paisley ("Alcohol")

My shopping trip nearly required alcohol. That's ridiculous.. although a glass of wine might not be so bad for this cold.


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